Growing With Life Skills

Skills needed for a productive, enjoyable, and sober life.

Learning the skills needed for a productive, enjoyable, and sober life is a vital part of the addiction treatment and recovery process. Our compassionate team teaches strategies and techniques to give patients the best chance for success once they leave our campus. Depending on the patient’s needs, we offer a wide array of vocational assistance, including:

  • Resume-building
  • Mock interviews
  • Job searching
  • Interpersonal relationship skills building
  • Social cues
  • Assertiveness skills for the workplace
  • Budgeting skills
  • Help with transportation systems and bus routes
  • Tours to help patients become familiar with the community outside of our detoxification center
  • Monitored job searches
  • Volunteer work while job searching
Growing With Life Skills

Gain The Confidence To Excel

At the Mandala Healing Center, we believe our Life Skills program provides the framework and foundation necessary for a healthy and sober lifestyle. Having a sense of purpose and the confidence to excel is an essential component in achieving lasting addiction recovery.


The Mandala Healing Center values the kind and generous words that both professionals and patients have shared with us. Thank you.